What does “last seen recently” mean in Telegram?


Telegram is a messaging app quite similar to WhatsApp or Signal in terms of messaging and other functions. However, Telegram stands out because of its privacy features and capabilities.

One such feature is ‘last seen’ that indicates when a person was last seen online on the app. In this article, we’re talking about Telegram’s “Last seen recently” feature and covering the following topics.

What is ‘last seen recently’ on Telegram?

If someone has hidden their last seen, you might see a ‘last seen recently’, among several other status indicators (as mentioned below) instead of timestamp.

Last seen recently is an approximate value indicating that the person was last online anywhere from a minute to about three days ago.

Here are all the four approximate values used by Telegram to suggest a person’s last seen in case they’ve disabled the feature.

How to manage your Telegram ‘last seen recently’ option?

Much like fellow messaging apps, Telegram lets users hide the last time they were online from other users. Follow the steps mentioned below to manage your ‘last seen recently’ setting in Telegram:

  • Find the three horizontal line hamburger icon on the top left corner.
  • Tap on the Settings option you’ll find in the scroll bar.
  • Scroll down and tap on the Privacy and Security option.
  • Now tap Last Seen & Online,
  • Here you can choose from the three options under Who can see your Last Seen time?
    • Everybody
    • My Contacts
    • Nobody

If you hide your last seen timestamps from other users, you can’t see their last seen as well. However, you will see the approximations mentioned above.

How to hide last seen from someone on Telegram?

The Telegram app also allows its users to hide their last seen from only selective people on their contact list.

You can follow the steps mentioned below to add people on your ‘Never Share With‘ list for hiding your last seen status:

  • Find the three horizontal line hamburger icon on the top left corner.
  • As the next step tap on the Settings option you’ll find in the scroll bar.
  • Scroll down the settings and tap on the Privacy and Security option you’ll find under the settings column.
  • Now tap Last Seen & Online,
  • Under Add exceptions, tap Never Share With and add the contacts you want.

What’s its range?

last seen varies from their security

Remember that you won’t see Last Seen timestamps for people with whom you don’t share your own. You will, however, see an approximate last seen value. This keeps stalkers away but makes it possible to understand whether a person is reachable over Telegram. There are four possible approximate values:

  • Last seen recently — covers anything between 1 second and 2-3 days
  • Last seen within a week — between 2-3 and seven days
  • Last seen within a month — between 6-7 days and a month

Last seen a long time ago — more than a month (this is also always shown to blocked users)

Video: Telegram last seen recently

In this video I am going to show you what last seen recently means on telegram, that’s in a chat with someone on telegram.

Telegram “last scene recently” FAQs

Here are the answers to a few questions related to the feature.

Who can see me online?

Your last seen settings apply to your online status as well, meaning people will only see you online if you’re sharing your last seen with them. However, there are some exceptions to this rule under which people will see you online for approximately 30 seconds if you do the following.

  • Send them a direct message or in a group chat.
  • Read a message they sent in a direct chat.
  • They’ll see a ‘typing…’ status if you’re typing to them in a direct chat or in a group that includes you both.

Can bots see your Last seen?

Bots can’t see your last seen status and also can’t see your phone number unless you decide to share it with them.

Bots can still see your name, username, profile picture and any messages that you send them.

What are the options to hide my last seen?

As mentioned above, Telegram gives you three basic options to hide your last seen.

  • Everybody: Shows your last seen to everyone.
  • My Contacts: Only shows your last seen to saved contacts.
  • Nobody: Doesn’t share your last seen with anyone.

Additionally, you can add as many exceptions to the Always Share With… or Never Share With… lists.

Does not seeing a last seen mean I’m blocked?

Not necessarily. Blocked users get a Last seen a long time ago status. However, since Telegram has now implemented a self-destructive account feature that deletes inactive accounts after six months, if you’re still seeing this error after this time, you’re blocked by that specific person.

Telegram 中的網絡狀態“最近在線”

Telegram 提供了許多有趣的選項,但匿名性和安全性一直是開發人員的首要任務。因此,Messenger 的功能允許您隱藏活動的確切時間,並僅在電報中通知某人最近在線。



最後一次入住顯示在賬戶名稱下,例如“was (was) at 11:17”。但是該應用程序的靈活設置允許您隱藏準確的信息並將其替換為電報狀態“最近”。


  • “在線很長時間”——超過 30 天無法登錄。
  • “本月”——表示用戶從該週開始沒有出現,但距離訪問還沒有過去 30 天。
  • “本週”——談論 3 到 7 天的時間。
  • 電報顯示“最近” – 這是從上次訪問時間 1 分鐘到 3 天過去的時間。




  • “一切”——任何 Telegram 訂閱者都會看到該帳戶何時在線。
  • “我的聯繫人”——除了個人列表中的人之外,其他人的狀態都將隱藏。
  • “無人”——每個人都無法得知您的確切逗留時間。相反,將有一條記錄“最近(a)”或“很久以前”。


您可以為每個可見性選項配置例外。首先,您需要確定從哪個隱藏在線模式,反之亦然 – 顯示。接下來,從聯繫人列表中選擇他們。


為什麼要隱藏你訪問 Telegram 的時間


進入 Telegram,老闆會看到下屬不履行職責,而是將工作時間花在娛樂上,這顯然不會讓他高興。



在開髮指標時,Telegram 的作者試圖考慮所有可能的細微差別。他們沒有完全隱藏活動,只留下一般數據。

如果您根本不顯示時間,則不清楚此人是否正在使用信使以及他是否會收到發給他的消息。Telegram 中的信息“最近”將顯示自上次停留以來已經過去了多少,通過應用程序聯繫用戶是否現實。

重要的!為了保護網絡免受非活動帳戶或虛假帳戶的影響,開發人員安裝了考勤計數器。如果 6 個月沒有激活,那麼客戶端將完全銷毀所有存儲的數據。



如果個人資料顯示“最近在 Telegram 中”,這可能意味著自上次活動以來已經過去了多少時間。





要在智能手機上設置“最近在 Telegram 中”的狀態,您必須執行以下步驟:

  • 轉到應用程序。
  • 前往設置。
  • 選擇“隱私”。
  • 打開“上次活動”部分。
  • 選中“全部”、“我的聯繫人”或“無人”旁邊的複選框。
  • 通過從個人列表中選擇不受所做更改影響的人來添加例外。
  • 退出菜單。創新會自動保存。


要更改 PC 上的隱私,您必須登錄 Telegram。接下來,通過屏幕左上角的三個水平條進入菜單。像在智能手機上一樣重複。




可能的可見性選項適用於常規帳戶。被屏蔽的用戶總是看到一件事:“我已經上網很長時間了。” 因此,如果一個人與某人交談,然後看到此信息,那麼您可以確定該用戶屏蔽了他。



如果投訴繼續,限制可以從 7 天持續到無限期。因此,您應謹慎與陌生人溝通,以免陷入禁令。


Telegram 身份的另一個特點是它的互惠性。開發人員認為在繼續觀察他人的同時隱藏有關自己的信息是不公平的。因此,他們以這樣一種方式安排了一切,即隱藏在某個人群中,用戶也不再看到有關他們活動的信息。



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