The Best Way To Use Boomerang And Grammarly? With Shift 2.0, of Course!


Shift is the email productivity app that helps you bring all your accounts together, into one sleek application. And, yes, you guessed it, now we support Boomerang, and Grammarly Chrome Extensions too!

Shift 2.0 goes beyond Mail, Calendar and Drive. Born again, and better than ever, the new Shift not only helps you manage your entire email experience, it helps you write better, more effective emails.

We have added support for two of the top email productivity browser extensions available today, as part of our new Advanced plan. Starting today, you’ll be able to use Grammarly and Boomerang right inside Shift.

How Grammarly works in Shift.

Grammarly: the difference between knowing your sh*t and knowing you’re sh*t. 

It’s kind-of-sort-of critical.

In case you’re not already a die-hard fan, Grammarly is the Chrome extension that ensures you never send another typo-filled email. It’s like having your high school English teacher looking over your shoulder, all day long.

As you type your messages, Grammarly will check each and every word to make sure that both spelling and grammar are right.

Never again will you hit the send button only to realize a split second later that you made a bonehead mistake you didn’t spot in your opening sentence.

Grammarly will help you with spelling, punctuation, verb tenses, subject-verb agreement, and more. It’s so proactively easy to use, you don’t even have to click on anything to see suggested changes.

And just to make things a little more fun, Grammarly will automatically send you weekly reports letting you know how your writing stacks up against other users for things like words written, accuracy, vocabulary and more.

 How Boomerang works in Shift.

Boomerang: stay on top of everything, or nothing! The choice is yours.

Boomerang is the Chrome extension that’s going to let you finally wrestle back control over your email inboxes. One of Boomerang’s best features is the ability to schedule both incoming and outgoing email, but that’s just the beginning.

If you’re like most people on the planet, you’ve got a constant flow of emails coming into your inbox at all hours of the day and night. And, again, if you’re like most people, that constant flow of email is distracting as all hell. Every time you look at your phone there’s another email. Every time you open your laptop there’s a few more. Every time you do anything there’s at least one more email there waiting for you to do something with it.

It’s not just the incoming email that’s a problem though. You have to manage your responses. You have to manage their response to your responses. One contact is on the other side of town, another is on the other side of the world. You don’t want to say anything to Dave until you’re sure that John read your last email. It’s a big hot mess — and it never stops.

Boomerang will let you pause your inbox, schedule outgoing messages, set read receipts, send yourself reminders and a lot more.

One amazing feature of this must-have extension is the “respondable” message analysis tool. Respondable will analyze your email as you write to help you craft messages with the perfect tone and the right words to ensure they get read, and generate the response you’re looking for.

Are You Ready To Shift Up?

If you’re already using Shift to manage your multiple email inboxes, you’re going to be blown away when you experience Shift Advanced, with support for Grammarly and Boomerang. If you’ve never used Shift, what are you waiting for? You can try it today!

Pssst…have you heard about our Referral Bonus? Start using Shift, get 5 friends to sign up, and we’ll give you Shift Advanced for free!

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