Telegram Reminder Bot. Telegram along with messaging feature… – Telegram 简体版


Telegram Reminder Bot

Telegram along with messaging feature has many other features one of them being the bot.

Well, do you forget to perform some of your activities on a daily basis in between your busy schedule? If yes, then the Telegram bot can help you. Just follow the below simple steps to set up a Telegram bot so that it reminds you to complete your activities daily.


  • Telagram app: In the Telegram app you need a telegram bot, telegram group and its chat id

Steps to create a telegram bot

  1. Search for BotFather in your telegram app.

2. Send hi to BotFather, it will reply with a list of commands to create, edit, and change bot settings as shown in the following figure:

3. Create a new bot by sending /newbot to BotFather, you will now be asked to provide a name (for example: myreminderbot) to the newly created bot.

4. BotFather will now create the bot and return you a token as shown in the following figure:

Steps to create a telegram group and get its chat id

  1. Create a new Telegram group.

2. Add the above created telegram bot to this group.

3. Now, fetch the chat id of the group through the following steps:

  • Send /my_id <bot_username> in the telegram group

for example: /my_id myreminderbot

  • Now, hit<add_token>/getUpdates URL in the browser, you will receive a json response which will include chat id, as shown below:

“chat”:{“id”: <chat_id>, “title”:<group_name>,..}

Note: Replace <add_token> with the token you received in the preceding step 4.

4. Now, add this chat_id in the base_url as shown in the following script and execute it:

For example:

Note: Replace,

<add_token> with the token you received in the preceding section’s step 4,

<chat_id> with the id you received in the preceding step 3.2, and

<reminder message> with the message you want to be shown in your telegram app as the reminder.

5. Executing the script will give you a reminder on your telegram app, however in this case you get the reminder on manually executing the script.

6. In order to automate the execution of the python script, you can create a cron job by executing the following commands:

  • crontab -e
  • 30 10 * * * python <>

This will execute the script every day at 10:30 AM

Woah, you now have a bot that reminds you to complete your daily task!! 🙂

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