Telegram Guide: How to Extract group members and bulk invite them


In our complete Telegram guide, We introduced you to 6 ways to increase telegram membership. In this guide, I’ll introduce you to advanced practices for increasing telegram group membership, including how to bulk scrap group members and bulk invite them to your telegram business groups.

So why scrape members from Telegram Groups?

Telegram group members scrape

This is a great opportunity to get the attention of relevant Telegram groups. By increasing the number of telegram group members you will be able to sell your services or products, you can also increase your income by posting advertising messages through telegram groups, and if you have enough members in your Telegram group you can sell them to others. Set a fair price and earn cash by transferring your ownership to your potential customers. With a large number of telegram group members, you can do even more.

How to send Telegram messages to multiple users/contacts (bulk sender)

The first method, perhaps the easiest and fastest one, is to create a group with all the people you want to contact. Once the group is created you can invite users to join (adding them manually or sending an invite via link). Once members have joined the group, you can start messaging.

The problem with creating and using the group is that when you add users to the group, they will receive a notice that they must agree to be part of that group. If they do not accept the request, they will not be part of the group. As long as you are creating a group of people who know you, this could be a good way to contact them. But if you want to send a Telegram message to multiple users who may not know you, then you should think about alternative routes.

In addition, there is to consider the fact that in the group (as if you create a channel), all users of that group or channel can write and comment.

Surely a better way to do Telegram Marketing and quickly contact a list of users is to make use of a program like TexSender. Thanks to TexSender it is possible to import a list of contacts (telephone numbers or the list of Telegram usernames, such as @username), and once these lists are loaded you can write the message and send it to everyone.

How to send Bulk Message to Multiple Telegram Users (without creating a group)

TexSender is the best Bulk Telegram Sender software able to automate the process of sending messages, user by user as if you were doing it manually.

To get started download and install the program on your Windows PC in the FREE version from this page (click on the Download link). You will download an exe file. Double click on the exe file to install the program. This is the home of Texsender:

send Bulk Message to telegram user1

The first thing to do is to click on START SERVICE. This will open the Telegram Web window (on Google Chrome). Now you have to enter your Telegram phone number and click Next to sign in to

Once logged you can start using all features of TexSender. First of all access the MESSAGE tab and enter the message you want to send. You can enter the different versions of a message in order to send them randomly and reduce the risk of spam and/or ban.

send Bulk Message to telegram user2

SEND TO TELEGRAM USERNAMES or PHONE NUMBERS: once the message is ready, go to SEND TO USERS LISTtab. Here you can import a list of usernames (like @username) or a list of phone numbers (with country code) and then send a message to all of them in just one click.

send Bulk Message to telegram user3

SEND TO YOUR CONTACTS: go to this tab if you want to send a message to all your Telegram contacts. Click on Load Contacts to extract your contacts and finally click on SEND to start the sending process

send Bulk Message to telegram user4

If you have a list of phone numbers, you can import all of them into your Telegram account (clicking on Import Contacts by Phone Numbers) and then access the tab “Send to your Contacts” of TexSender to send the message.

As you can see TexSender is really simple and intuitive to use. The only thing you need is a list of contacts (phone numbers or usernames) that you can enter into the program and then send the message you want. There is no limit to the number of contacts you can import and want to contact. Just make sure they are users that we have Telegram otherwise the program will not be able to send the message.

In TexSender there is also the Group Scraper function which allows you to extract the names of users who are part of a group. The only limitation of this feature is that it allows the extraction of up to 200 members of a group.

Last, but not least, the function present in TexSender is “Add Members to your group”, which allows you to import a list of users and automate the process of adding members to your group. All users who are added will receive an invitation to join your group.

We have already written some guides indicating which software to use to send Telegram messages in bulk or how to add members to your group or channel (with Bulk Invite). In this new article instead, we want to analyze the best software tools to be able to view and extract all members from a Telegram group.

NB: There is a substantial difference between the Telegram group and the channel. While both serve a similar purpose, members (called “subscribers”) are not visible in channels and may not even have writing rights. In groups, on the other hand, members can write and can also view the list of other group members. This feature makes us understand why it is possible to scrape members from groups, but it is NOT possible to extract members from channels.

There are a couple of very good programs for extrapolating members of a telegram group. Below we take a look at the best one (in our opinion.

How to Extract ALL members of a Group with TEXAPI PLUS

TEXAPI is a new software designed for those who want to increase the popularity of their groups or channels. Among the most effective functions present in this tool there is BATCH INVITE (which allows you to add members from a group to your group) and the GROUP SCRAPER function which instead allows you to extrapolate all the details of the members of a group (to which you are subscribed ).
Using this last feature is very simple.

Step 1. Download and install TexApi (from this pageon your PC. Once installed you will see this main interface:

Extract members of telegram Group5

Step 2. Go to and create a “Developer Account”. Once you create it, you will see a window with the API detail like Api_ID, and API_hash.

Step 3. Click on the SETUP icon on TEXAPI and enter the API info of your Telegram account and your phone number. Finally, click on SAVE (this configuration should be done the first time only).

Extract members of telegram Group6

Step 4. Click on the Authorization icon and click on SEND to verify your Telegram phone number and account

Step 5. Click on the Group menu and then go to the Group List section. Click below on GET… button to synchronize all groups with the program

Extract members of telegram Group7

Step 6. Click on Get-Member on the right of the desired group. Then wait until the program scrapes and extracts ALL members of that group.

Step 7. All group members will appear in a new window (Member List). To export and save all members on your PC click on the EXPORT button. It will save all data in a CSV file on your PC.

Extract members of telegram Group8

Done! Open the CSV and you will see all member’s details like Name, LastName, Username, Phone Numbers, etc.

How to Bulk Invite Members in your Telegram Group or Channel

Telegram is gaining more and more ground against WhatsApp and other messaging apps because it has higher potential: for example when we want to create a group or channel.

WhatsApp is undoubtedly the most used and known instant messaging service on our part, but the rival Telegram with the passage of time and thanks to a series of advantages in certain respects has been able to conquer a rather large slice of the public in the world.

Among the advantages of Telegram compared to WhatsApp not only there is the fact of being able to create groups with an incredibly high number of members: up to 256 people can be hosted on WhatsApp, while on Telegramthe limit is set to 200 thousand participants.

It is not the only advantage that is obtained by creating a group on Telegram, since, just to name another, the service allows you to create polls that are certainly useful for putting something to the vote. It goes without saying that for certain purposes these are not insignificant advantages, so it is worth knowing how to create a Telegram group and how to send an invitation to simplify the entry of participants.

How to create a Telegram Group

In principle, creating a group on Telegram is a very simple operation, but those who have never used the application may encounter some difficulties, so it is better to proceed by steps.

After downloading Telegram for Android smartphones or iOS devices, having registered and opened the app, you need to:

  1. Tap the symbol with the three horizontal lines at the top left on Android or the pencil symbol at the top right on iOS
  2. select the item “New group
  3. Choose the contacts to add to the group from those in the address book or by searching for them by username in the “Add people …” field on Android or “Who would you like to add?” on iOS
  4. Enter the name of the group in the appropriate field and tap on the camera symbol if you want to take or upload an image that will become the group’s identification icon
  5. Confirm to create the Telegram group
Invite Members in your Telegram Group9

Once the creation of the Telegram group is complete, you can proceed to define its details, such as entering a description, changing or uploading the image of the group, adding new members or setting administrators. Creating a Telegram group from a PC involves steps that are completely similar to those described above.

We also remind you that it is possible to both create a Telegram group and participate in it even if we use Telegram without a telephone number.

How to send an invitation to a Telegram group

As we said, inviting one or more friends to join a Telegram group is a fairly simple operation, but to avoid any doubts, here is a step-by-step explanation of how to do it whether you have an Android smartphone or one with iOS.

  1. Open Telegram and enter the group to be shared
  2. Tap on the group name at the top of the screen
  3. Tap the item “Add member
  4. Select the item “Invite via the link” which is placed above the contact list

At this point, the invitation link to the Telegram group is displayed at the top of the screen, and you have two options: write down the link, usually very short, and send it individually to the people to invite, or, and it is the simplest way, select the item “Share link” which displays a list of applications installed on the smartphone that can be used to forward the invitation link to the group.

Once you have chosen the app to use to send the invitation to the Telegram group, a message is automatically created containing the link to populate or repopulate the Telegram group.

How to bulk send invitations for your Telegram Group or Channel

If you have a list of telegram users (perhaps extrapolated from a group or channel competing with yours) and you want to send an invitation to this whole list, the best way to do it is to use TexSender

TexSender is a program (for Windows) designed not only to send bulk messages to Telegram users, but also to extract members from telegram groups and to send bulk invitations to user lists.

You can download the free version of TexSender from this page.
Once downloaded, launch the app and you will see this main screen:

send Bulk Message to telegram user1

Click on START SERVICE and the telegram Web page will open. Log in by entering the telephone number associated with your account. Then, from the TexSender home screen, click on ADD MEMBERS TO GROUP and this window will open:

Invite Members in your Telegram Group11

Now follow the two steps highlighted in the figure above:

  1. Click on Import Username List and select the text file with the list of members to invite
  2. Select the destination group from the Group Name dropdown menu
  3. Click on START INVITE

That’s all! TexSender automatically will send invitations to all imported users.

How to add members from a (competitor) group to yours

If you want to add members from another group (competitor) to your group or channel, the best solution is TEXAPI PLUS.

It is software designed to send BATCH INVITE selecting a source group and a destination group (yours). It is very simple to use and in the following video tutorial, you can see how it works.


How many members can I add to Telegram Channel?

You add manually only 200 members to your Telegram channel. To get more members, you need to promote your channel.

How do add Telegram members to the Telegram channel?

You can add manually 200 members from your contact list. Or you can promote your channel on social media, catalogs, and other channels. If you have money, you can invest in adding fake or real Telegram members.

How to add fake members to Telegram Channel?

There are many online services for adding fake members to Telegram channels. They provide low-quality users in a short time.

How to add unlimited members to Telegram Channel?

To add an unlimited number of members to Telegram Channel you need to buy fake members or buy real members. Both services allow getting even 1 mln channel members.

How to add more than 200 members to Telegram Channel?

You can add fake members with special software or bots, buy real Telegram members, or promote your channel with traditional methods: advertising, cross-promo, etc.

How many members can be added to Telegram Group?

There is a limit of 200,000 members in Telegram groups. Unlike Telegram channels, you can’t have an unlimited number of users in your group.


This is what this guide is all about. With advanced methods of capturing telegram group members and inviting them to join your telegram groups in bulk, you will take Telegram marketing to the next level!

在我们完整的 Telegram 指南中,我们向您介绍了 6 种增加 Telegram 成员的方法。在本指南中,我将向您介绍增加电报组成员的高级实践,包括如何批量废弃组成员和批量邀请他们加入您的电报业务组。

那么为什么要从 Telegram Groups 中抓取成员呢?


这是获得相关 Telegram 群组关注的绝佳机会。通过增加电报群成员的数量,您将能够出售您的服务或产品,您还可以通过在电报群中发布广告消息来增加收入,如果您的电报群中有足够的成员,您可以将它们出售给其他人。通过将您的所有权转让给潜在客户来设定公平的价格并赚取现金。拥有大量电报群成员,您可以做得更多。

如何将 Telegram 消息发送给多个用户/联系人(批量发件人)

第一种方法,也许是最简单和最快的方法,是 创建一个 包含所有你想联系的人的组。创建组后,您可以 邀请 用户加入(手动添加或通过链接发送邀请)。成员加入群组后,您就可以开始发送消息了。

创建和使用组的问题在于,当您将用户添加到组时,他们会收到一条通知,告知他们必须 同意 成为该组的一部分。如果他们不接受请求,他们将不会成为该组的一部分。只要您正在创建一群认识您的人,这可能是联系他们的好方法。但是,如果您想向 可能不认识您的多个用户发送 Telegram 消息 ,那么您应该考虑替代路线。


当然,进行电报营销 和快速 联系用户列表的更好方法  是使用像 TexSender这样的程序。感谢 TexSender 可以 导入联系人列表 (电话号码或 Telegram 用户名列表,例如 @username),一旦加载这些列表,您就可以编写消息并将其发送给每个人。


TexSender 是最好的 Bulk Telegram Sender 软件,能够自动发送消息的过程,一个用户一个用户,就像你手动做一样。

要开始下载并在您的 Windows PC 上安装 免费版本 的程序,请从此 页面 (单击下载链接)。您将下载一个 exe 文件。双击exe文件安装程序。这是 Texsender 的主界面:

向电报 user1 发送批量消息

首先要做的是点击 开始服务。 这将打开 Telegram Web 窗口(在 Google Chrome 上)。现在您必须输入您的 Telegram 电话号码,然后单击 “下一步” 登录

登录后,您可以开始使用 TexSender 的所有功能。首先访问 MESSAGE 选项卡并输入您要发送的消息。您可以输入消息的不同版本,以便随机发送它们并降低垃圾邮件和/或禁令的风险。

向电报 user2 发送批量消息

发送到电报用户名或电话号码:消息准备好后,转到发送到用户列表选项卡。在这里,您可以导入 用户名 列表(如@username)或 电话号码列表 (带有国家代码),然后一键向所有人发送消息。

向电报 user3 发送批量消息

发送给您的联系人:如果您想向所有 Telegram 联系人发送消息,请转到此选项卡。单击 加载联系人 以提取您的联系人,最后单击 发送 以开始发送过程


如果您有 电话号码列表,您可以将所有电话号码导入您的 Telegram 帐户(单击按电话号码导入联系人),然后访问TexSender 的“发送到您的联系人”选项卡以发送消息。

如您所见,TexSender 使用起来非常简单直观。您唯一需要的是一个 联系人列表 (电话号码或用户名),您可以将其输入程序,然后发送您想要的消息。 您可以导入和想要联系的联系人数量没有 限制。只要确保他们是我们拥有 Telegram 的用户,否则程序将无法发送消息。

在 TexSender 中还有 Group Scraper 功能,它允许您提取属于组的用户的名称。此功能的唯一限制是它允许提取最多 200 个组的成员。

最后但同样重要的是,TexSender 中的功能是“将成员添加到您的组”,它允许您导入用户列表并自动将成员添加到您的组中。所有被添加的用户都会收到加入您群组的邀请。

我们已经编写了一些指南,说明使用哪种软件 批量发送 Telegram 消息 或如何 将成员添加到您的群组 或频道(使用 Bulk Invite)。相反,在这篇新文章中,我们想要分析最好的软件工具,以便能够查看和 提取 Telegram 组中的所有成员

注意:电报群 和频道之间有很大的不同 。虽然两者的目的相似,但成员(称为“订阅者”)在频道中不可见,甚至可能没有写作权。另一方面,在群组中,成员可以写,也可以查看其他群组成员的列表。这个特性让我们明白了为什么可以 从组中抓取成员,但不能从频道中提取成员。


如何使用 TEXAPI PLUS 提取组的所有成员

TEXAPI 是为那些想要增加他们的群组或频道受欢迎程度的人设计的新软件。在此工具中最有效的功能中,有 BATCH INVITE (允许您将组中的成员添加到您的组)和 GROUP SCRAPER 功能,它允许您推断组成员的所有详细信息(其中您已订阅)。

第 1 步。在您的 PC 上 下载并安装 TexApi(从此 页面)  。安装后你会看到这个主界面:

提取电报 Group5 的成员

步骤 2. 转到 并创建一个“开发者帐户”。创建后,您将看到一个包含 API 详细信息的窗口,例如 Api_ID 和 API_hash。

步骤 3. 点击 TEXAPI 上的 SETUP 图标并输入您的 Telegram 帐户的 API 信息和您的电话号码。最后,单击 保存 (此配置应仅在第一次完成)。

提取电报 Group6 的成员

第 4 步。单击授权图标,然后单击 发送 以验证您的电报电话号码和帐户

步骤 5. 单击组菜单,然后转到组列表部分。单击下面的 GET… 按钮以将所有组与程序同步

提取电报 Group7 的成员

步骤 6. 单击  所需组右侧的Get-Member 。然后等到程序抓取并 提取 该组的所有成员。

步骤 7. 所有组成员将出现在一个新窗口(成员列表)中。要在您的 PC 上导出和保存所有成员,请单击导出 按钮。它将所有数据保存在您 PC 上的 CSV 文件中。

提取电报 Group8 的成员

完毕!打开 CSV,您将看到所有成员的详细信息,例如姓名、姓氏、用户名、电话号码等。


电报 在WhatsApp和其他消息传递应用程序中获得越来越多的优势,因为它具有更高的潜力:例如,当我们想要创建一个 群组 或 频道时。

WhatsApp 无疑是我们最常用和最知名的即时通讯服务,但随着时间的推移,竞争对手 Telegram 凭借在某些方面的一系列 优势 ,已经能够征服世界上相当大的一部分公众。

与 WhatsApp 相比,Telegram 的优势不仅在于能够创建拥有 大量成员的群组:WhatsApp 上最多可以托管 256 人,而在 Telegram 上,  参与者的限制设置为20 万。

这不是通过在 Telegram 上创建群组获得的唯一优势,因为,仅举一个例子,该服务允许您创建民意调查,这些民意调查对于将某些内容进行投票肯定有用。不言而喻,对于某些目的,这些并不是微不足道的优势,因此值得了解如何创建 Telegram 组以及如何 发送邀请 以简化参与者的输入。


原则上,在 Telegram 上创建 群组 是一个非常简单的操作,但从未使用过该应用程序的人可能会遇到一些困难,因此最好按部就班地进行。

下载适用于 Android 智能手机或 iOS 设备的 Telegram,注册并打开应用程序后,您需要:

  1. 在 Android 上点击左上角的三个水平线符号或在 iOS 上点击右上角的铅笔符号
  2. 选择项目“新组
  3. 从通讯录中的联系人中选择要添加到群组的联系人,或者通过在 Android 上的“添加人员… ”字段或“您想添加谁?”中通过用户名搜索他们。在 iOS 上
  4. 如果要拍摄或上传将成为该组标识图标的图像,请在相应字段中输入该组的名称并点击相机符号
  5. 确认创建电报组

Telegram 群组创建完成后,您可以继续定义其详细信息,例如输入描述、更改或上传群组图像、添加新成员或设置管理员。 从 PC 创建 Telegram 组 涉及的步骤与上述步骤完全相似。

我们还提醒您,即使我们使用没有电话号码的 Telegram,也可以创建 Telegram 组并参与其中。

如何向 Telegram 群组发送邀请

正如我们所说,邀请一个或多个朋友加入 Telegram 组是一个相当简单的操作,但为了避免任何疑问,这里有一个分步说明如何做到这一点,无论您拥有 Android 智能手机还是 iOS 智能手机.

  1. 打开 Telegram 进入要分享的群组
  2. 点击屏幕顶部的群组名称
  3. 点击项目“添加成员
  4. 选择 联系人列表上方的“通过链接邀请”项

此时,Telegram 组的邀请链接显示在屏幕顶部,您有两个选择: 写下链接,通常很短,然后单独发送给要邀请的人,或者,它是最简单的方法是选择“分享链接”项,它会显示智能手机上安装的应用程序列表,可用于将邀请链接转发到群组。

一旦您选择了用于向 Telegram 组发送邀请的应用程序,就会自动创建一条消息,其中包含用于填充或重新填充 Telegram 组的链接。


如果您有一个电报用户列表(可能是从与您竞争的组或频道推断出来的)并且您想向整个列表发送邀请,最好的方法是使用 TexSender

TexSender 是一个程序(适用于 Windows),不仅可以 向 Telegram 用户发送批量消息,还可以从 Telegram 组 中 提取成员 并向用户列表发送批量邀请

您可以从此页面下载免费版本的 TexSender  。

向电报 user1 发送批量消息

单击 开始服务 ,电报网页将打开。通过输入与您的帐户关联的电话号码登录。然后,从 TexSender 主屏幕,单击 添加成员到组 ,这个窗口将打开:


现在按照  上图中突出显示的两个步骤进行操作:

  1. 单击 导入用户名列表 并选择包含要邀请的成员列表的文本文件
  2. 从组名称下拉菜单中选择目标组
  3. 点击 开始邀请

就这样!TexSender 会自动向所有导入的用户发送邀请。


如果您想将其他组(竞争对手)的成员添加到您的组或频道,最好的解决方案是 TEXAPI PLUS

它是设计用于发送 BATCH INVITE 选择源组和目标组(您的)的软件。它使用起来非常简单,在下面的视频教程中,您可以看到它是如何工作的。


我可以向 Telegram 频道添加多少成员?

您仅手动将 200 名成员添加到您的电报频道。要获得更多会员,您需要宣传您的频道。如何将 Telegram 成员添加到Telegram 频道?

您可以从联系人列表中手动添加 200 个成员。或者,您可以在社交媒体、目录和其他渠道上宣传您的频道。如果你有钱,你可以投资添加虚假或真实的 Telegram 成员。如何将假会员添加到电报频道?

有许多在线服务可以将假会员添加到 Telegram 频道。他们在短时间内提供了低质量的用户。如何将无限会员添加到电报频道?

要将无限数量的会员添加到 Telegram 频道,您需要购买假会员或购买真实会员。这两项服务都允许获得甚至 100 万频道成员。如何在 Telegram 频道添加 200 多个成员?

您可以使用特殊软件或机器人添加虚假会员,购买真正的 Telegram 会员,或使用传统方法推广您的频道:广告、交叉促销等。Telegram Group 可以添加多少成员?

Telegram 组的成员限制为 200,000 名。与 Telegram 频道不同,您的群组不能拥有无限数量的用户。



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