Como criar um Bot no Telegram com NodeJS – Telegram Group


Como criar um Bot no Telegram com NodeJS

Preparação do Ambiente para o Bot do Telegram
const TelegramBot = require( `node-telegram-bot-api` )
const bot = new TelegramBot( BOT_TOKEN, { polling: true } )
BotFather Telegram
bot.on(/\/start/, (msg) => {
bot.sendMessage(, `Olá ${msg.from.first_name}, seja muito bem vindo!\nMeus comandos são:\n/ping\n/pong`)
})bot.onText(/\/ping/, (msg) => {
bot.sendMessage(, `pong`)
})bot.onText(/\/pong/, (msg) => {
bot.sendMessage(, `ping`)
node app.js
Bot Telegram
Vídeo explicativo sobre o PDF Hacker

Ten articles before and after

data-rh=”true”>Airdrop 20 WYD ($50) – ALVIN LAGONERO – Medium – Telegram Group

Telegram Bot in JAVA| by Naveen Kumar M N – Telegram Group

Improved node setup and monitoring for the validator of the Agoric testnet – Telegram Group

Cricket Score Alert Telegram Bot using EspnCricinfo – Telegram Group

Get Telegram Group Members with Python and Telethon – Telegram Group

.Net Core Console Uygulması İle Telegram Botu Geliştirmek – Telegram Group

Creating a Telegram Bot: Full Beginner’s Guide 2021 – Telegram Group

Sending a message from Python to a Telegram chat: the simplest way – Telegram Group

Create a telegram bot – Telegram Group

Bot Telegram Untuk Membantu Sekolah/Kuliah Kamu – Telegram Group

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