5 Reasons Why Consentium is the Next Telegram and WhatsApp Combined – Telegram 官网下载


5 Reasons Why Consentium is the Next Telegram and WhatsApp Combined

From using text messaging to making voice calls via WhatsApp today, our dependency on messaging applications is only getting higher. With Telegram’s increasing backing of investors for their ICO and LINE, Japan’s leading messaging application, moving into ICO with a focus on loans and insurance, crypto chat applications are still lacking an important factor that allows users themselves monetise their activity on the application — which is absolutely necessary to retain engagement on such platforms in the future.

In Consentium, we take on a Users-as-Stakeholders approach with our Chat Community Monetisation (CCM) Model, rewarding quality users. Besides this, here are 5 reasons why Consentium is the future Platform for Communities.

1. User Retention Rate will be High.

Besides the many ways to monetise on the application, solely staying active already earns you coins. Making transactions alone gives you incentives.

Need we say more?

2. Better Relatable and Quality Content

  • Sticker market as an example — The success of Telegram‘s and Line’s sticker markets has proven that there is a large demand for creative, quirky and packaged content. If you are one of these sticker fans, you would know that there is often not much exposure and awareness of the creators of these sticker packs. However in Consentium, not only would you be able to create and easily distribute such creatives for everyday usage to the mass audience, you may also leverage on the pay-to-unlock “hidden” feature for your exclusive content, which would in turn help you to monetise your efforts. When this happens, creators will be incentivised to produce more and better creatives.
  • Group rewards — The CCM system ensures users are not spammers or bots but are actual active and quality users. Ever experienced joining a Telegram channel and have spam accounts drop you promotional private messages right after? In Consentium, admins and moderators will be incentivised to ensure the quality of group chats, as the larger the total number of quality users, the higher the percentage of rewards from the redistribution pool. The tiered reward system allows for users who are actively engaging to benefit from it and incentivises for these administrators and moderators to filter their users.

3. Ability to Replace Almost Every Other App on Your Phone

  • Buying and selling—Even Facebook has launched its Marketplace feature, most recently in Singapore, with an extremely accessible button on the mobile version which goes to show how important the ability of selling and buying products within a social application could be. Not to forget, Consentium also brings you a new clients with the convenience of being a multi-cryptocurrency E-Wallet, which allows conversions from Fiat money to BitCoin (BTC), Ether (ETH), CSM and vice versa.
  • Developers and Gamification — Like Telegram, you will be able to create bots and develop new projects within Consentium itself, which will lead to a rise of new entrepreneurs. Think the likes of Uber, FoodPanda and a crypto-wallet all in one. Developers will be excited to build new products and services on the core of Consentium’s features and functionality. With new developments and gamification, the possibility to replace every other application is not far-fetched. Why have that many applications installed when you can have one that serves all purpose, and at the same time, monetises your activity?

4. For Businesses — Relevant Promotions and News

You are a business owner who wants to stay connected to your clients and target audience. You want to update them with the latest offers and promotions about your services in the fastest way possible through their mobile phones.

However, push notifications are slowly being fatigued as we become increasingly picky about the content being shown to us. 60% of people have chosen to opt out of push notifications, with social applications having the lowest opt-in rate. When exhaustion of existing channels happens, it is time for such new other channels to grow.

In Consentium, you may create groups, just like on Telegram where channels are present, and grant access to the likes of administrators and moderators. It may sound like a usual chat application, except that the monetisation model on this crypto chat application would encourage people to stay engaged and active within the groups. This means that you would be leveraging on the network effects and tiered reward system, which are already present on the application, to incentivise your clients and target audience to stay connected. As mentioned earlier, these administrators and moderators will also be incentivised to filter and help with the quality assurance of these groups.

5. Survival Over Social

Instagram, Facebook and WhatsApp are examples of how reliant we all are on social media applications and this reliance is solely on our habits of staying connected and updated. The moment you wake up, before every meal, and before you go to bed, the first thing you do is pick your phone up to check one of these social applications. Social habits are already increasing the stickiness of applications which are purely social — Now, imagine if your favourite social application is able to monetise your coins as you use it.

As technology develops and human beings adapt, we crave for more things — more features, more incentives out of our habits. With Consentium’s possibility to function as almost every other application on your phone and at the same time incentivises activity, it leads to a faster adoption of tokens as technologies as our survival instincts, which heavily influence our economic interests, are stronger than purely social ones.

Why settle for just social activity when you can monetise it?

Consentium is a new chat application, which is the first to reward its users with cryptocurrency for virtually any group or community they create.

Don’t miss out! Keep yourself updated with Consentium news by joining our Telegram channel, and tweet your questions to us at @ConsentiumCoin!

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